One time while worshipping in ANHOP in a corporate gathering, I felt really tight inside and constrained by worry. So in my mind I placed the fear in my hands and stepped on it, swinging it to the floor as I danced over it. With that one move I felt free and no longer self-concious. Then I saw that I was soaring higher and higher into the sky. So were others too. "Fly. We're flying higher" the worship leader said. I reached a level of the sky where there was a wide platform of a cloud, and in the picture, I sat down and closed my eyes as if to see something.
I then saw a girl ribbon dancing, leaping, flying across the room with a ribbon that kept changing colors. He said to me,
"Clara, express me in a thousand ways."
"Love is the boundary. You will be safe inside my love, safe to express."

Dancing with a million colours
, 2011; glass painting with Photoshop effects.
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