. . .
IF I find in myself
in this world can satisfy
I can only conclude
that I was not made
for here
If the flesh that I fight
is at best only light and momentary
then of course I'll feel nude
when to where I'm destined
I'm compared
Speak to me in the light of the dawn
Once in a while when I close my eyes, I see pictures that tell me what things trully are. In these moment I see what I call "reality". To me, reality is trully beautiful. It is a place where meaning and relationship is intertwined and continues eternally, unshakably, timelessly. This place dwells inside me. I see these picture in the perspective of Love and it becomes a part of me. Remaining in this glow I begin to see the beauty of that which I see with my eyes.
An excerpt from my journal. I remember feeling so free during that time,and so excited to know the glory of who I am made to be.
I paint and draw to remember the moments where my heart felt it was crying. Crying is more than tears. When in incredible
pain, we cry. When in incredible
joy, we cry. Crying is an expression of overflow - that my heart cannot hold, understand, nor articulate the immensity of what I am feeling. When I see something trully beautiful, I cry.
one those beautiful things captured on a photograph. A friend is being prayed for by someone that trully loves him.
The desire to revisit these moments keeps me painting, drawing or singing. By making something I capture, to some degree, the essence of what made me cry. It is so hard to share with someone else what was going on when I feel that my heart is exploding, and I MUST tell someone, but I couldn't, so I show it. When I could possibly show the moment and bring someone into the experience of the treasure I found, and I see that glow in their eyes, I know they're experiencing the same thing I did. In that moment, there is a reverberating joy and sight. It's almost like I am revisited that place again, I am overwhelmed by the beauty of it and am crying again, but this time it's rebounding, laughing, dancing between us...
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